As we leave behind 2023, and look to 2024, what is it that you want to achieve? Do you make New Year Resolutions, or set goals for the year ahead?
With 2023 being a tough year for all, i like to personally look at a new year, as a new chapter in a book, i try not to dwell on the past, but be open minded for a positive 2024.
Are you a glass half empty, or half full type of person? We know that if you live in a negative mindset, then the chances are that negativity continues to follow. But if you try and stay positive, and be that person with the glass half full, then you will have a brighter outlook. I know that it can be difficult to always be positive, as we can never predict what will happen in the future, but look at what you have around you, the people you love and care about, and those same people that love and care about you, that is what is important.
Here are a few tips to help you move into 2024 feeling less stressed, and with a better outlook
Start thinking about the things that make you happy daily, whether that's something that made you smile, or laugh, it could be something someone has said, or something you have watched on the TV. Instead of focussing on those negatives that happen, keep a journal of the positives. Do that, and it will make you feel happier.
Create a worry window. Give yourself a time of day, 20mins, up to One hour daily to allow yourself to stress and worry, at any other time in your day tell yourself that you are not allowed to stress or worry, and you will deal with it in your worry window. Chances are, by the time you get to your next worry window you would have already forgotten what you were worrying about.
Take your stress and turn it into a colour, imagine that colour is a balloon, and it is inside your body, as you feel that balloon inflating, it will begin to move from your stomach, through your chest, and up into your throat, once it get's there, start blowing that colour out from your mouth, then on each inhale, breathe in your favourite colour, or a colour that makes you feel calm, and happy. Do this until all that bad colour is gone, and the balloon has flown away. Try it, it works.
Lastly, listen to my free recording, to help you de-stress. Link is below.