Whether it's Anxiety, Depression, OCD, PTSD, or Stress (Yes, i lived that life, then i found hypnotherapy).
I am Nova Lewis of Essex-Hypnosis, and i thought i would share my mental health story with you, so that you have an understanding that i have walked in those shoes before ever becoming a therapist.
I am going to be very honest in telling my story, and there will be some things that may be hard to read, but i am doing this as i want to let you know that if i can get through what i have been through, plus going through the therapy journey myself then i know you can.
My story really began at the age of Ten when on a school journey i was being bullied, which culminated in an incident that took place the night before i went home by my so called best friend at that time, i was locked in a room with a number of boys and girls and made to take my clothes off whilst at knife point. (Yes i know it's not nice, but it happened). After this i continued to be bullied which carried on throughout my life on an off by different individuals.
At the age of Sixteen i met a partner who was older than me, of course at that time i thought it was great, until he started to physically abuse me, not just hitting me, not just mentally, but also sexually. I went through a Three year relationship, "if you can call it that" with him, i didn't tell anyone it was going on as i was ashamed. I know you hear people all the time say "why didn't you just leave him", if like me you are either in this situation, or you have been you know it is the hardest thing to do, because slowly but surely that person will break you down until you are terrified. And yes i did get out of that relationship after Three years, then i went straight in to my next relationship that was mentally abusive, it's almost as if people like that can smell your vulnerabilities, and take advantage of it. I was with him for Six years, but eventually again i broke free.
There had been lot's of other stuff in between all those years, but if i spoke about all that i would be writing all day. I finally had my first mental break down in 2011 after going through a traumatic birth, i was eventually diagnosed with PTSD, Depression, and Anxiety, i did also have OCD but i never spoke about that because i never knew at the time that it was a mental health disorder. Back then i had a few different therapies, namely counselling, and cognitive behavioural therapy, to be honest they didn't really work for me, that's not to say they don't work because for some people they do, but i just didn't get on with it, plus there was a lot to pick through in my life that they just didn't do, so i just carried on in life getting on with things, probably pretending everything was okay.
Jumping forwards to 2015 when i had my second break down, this time it was far worse and i became suicidal, i had planned my demise, i was at breaking point and didn't know what to do, so i thought i would try hypnotherapy, i was having therapy for a long time but it actually worked for me, and i had thought there was no helping me. That's when i decided that i too wanted to become a hypnotherapist, so that is exactly what i did, and they say the rest is history
I have faced lot's of challenges in life, not just what you have already read about, i have been homeless, i was told i would never have children due to medical issues, but i have Two beautiful boys who both have autism, but again these challenges i deal with every day and take in my stride as i love the job i do, there is nothing more rewarding than seeing my clients change in front of my very eyes to become the best people they can be, no mater what their challenges are. And if you are wondering, i do see neuro diverse individuals in my practice, both ADHD, and ASD.
If you are considering seeing a hypnotherapist like myself i would say don't think about it, just do it because you won't look back, for me as a therapist i not only specialise in hypnotherapy, i do many different therapies, all of which are on my website. I am known as the therapists therapist because i also work with other therapists to help them deal with any issues they may have, see a review from a therapist below.

My Top Five Tips to help you deal with Stress and Anxiety
1. Notice in your body where you feel your tension, close your eyes focus on that area of your body, take a deep breathe in, and in your mind tell that part of your body to relax, then take a deep breathe out. If you do this for a few minutes you will find yourself feeling calmer, and more relaxed.
2. Whatever you are feeling, whether it's anxiety or stress turn that feeling into a colour, once you have that colour in mind, breathe that colour out, exhale it, then breathe back in each time, inhaling a calm or your favourite colour, again do this for a few minutes and notice that feeling leave your body.
3. Close your eyes and think about your favourite place, it could be a beach somewhere, or a room at home, maybe even somewhere you make up in your mind. When you have that place to mind, use your visualisation skills to see what you can see when you are there, hear what you can hear, smell what you can smell, and feel whatever you can feel when you are in that place. This is your happy place so when you are there it will take your attention away from any negative feelings or thoughts.
4. Start writing down the good stuff, the things that make you smile, make you laugh, make you happy in your day. Rather than focussing on the negatives.
5. The next time you have any of those negative thoughts or feelings, take that thought from your mind and imagine getting rid of it. You could imagine throwing the thought in to a bin, burying it, or burning it, whatever is the best way for you. You could take it one step further and write down the thought or feeling and physically get rid of it.
For a little extra help, listen to my free MP3 recording to help you feel a bit more calmer
If you are considering taking the next step in to therapy with me watch the video below to find out how hypnotherapy can help you with your mental health struggles.
Remember, i know how it feels to be at this point, i know how it feels to take that step into therapy, i have suffered with my mental health over the years, so if you, like i was ready to take that next step and move forwards get in touch now, and never look back.