What is a fear
A fear is a natural emotion, it's a way for your brain to protect you from harm when faced with danger. A fear can be managed through logical thinking and reason.
What is a Phobia
A phobia is an extreme fear which can bring on anxiety, it is impossible to control it yourself. Your phobia will make you worry about something triggering your phobia, when this happens, you will begin to avoid any possible triggers, and your thoughts will be obsessive. The phobia will consume your life and can effect your sleep, as well as your mental health.
This week on my facebook and instagram page, i will be posting a daily video which covers different topics surrounding fears and phobias.
Listed below is a list of what i will be covering on each day.
Sunday 5th November 2023 - Hypnosis and Social Phobia
Monday 6th November 2023 - Fear and Hypnosis
Tuesday 7th November 2023 - Hypnosis and fear of Needles
Wednesday 8th November 2023 - Hypnosis and Dentistry
Thursday 9th November 2023 - Hypnosis and fear of Flying
Friday 10th November 2023 - Fix your phobia
So how can i help myself
Start by practicing relaxation - firstly by taking some deep breathes
Last week i covered a step by step guide to self hypnosis in my blog, this is a wonderful way to help you, by relaxing each muscle bit by bit with the power of thought, or even taking yourself in your mind to your favourite place will help you to focus your attention on something else, rather than what you fear.
How does hypnosis help with fears and phobias
Hypnosis is a tool to help you focus your mind on positive behavioural changes. It helps to get to the root cause of the issue, which are deeply embedded in the mind, giving you your power and control back to overcome your fears and phobias.